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【中原扶青團】 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

活動心得中原團-國際委員 Nancy
好開心有機會跟大家一起練英語! 雖然工作時會speak English,不過大部分都是配合小朋友的程度,用他們熟悉的單字拼湊起來的句子, 不太像標準的English, 可是我也習慣了. 現在國語英語說起來都不太像了!

I never realized that native English speakers spoke so quickly, especially in movies! Without the subtitles at the bottom of the screen, it was quite difficult, even for me, to hear each and every word that the characters said. For people who like watching movies to practice their English, I think the most important thing is to understand the general meaning of each line, and to get use to the rhythm and sound of spoken English. Perhaps trying to hear and understand every single word is too time-consuming and not very productive.

    看到大家那天的努力and勇氣讓我真的很感動.本來還跟Alicia開玩笑說瓣成”比賽”大家可能會更投入(拼死拼活的speak English!). 可是看到大家互相鼓勵,有人在台上卡住,全場的人都一起小聲打pass,又覺得跟團員and友團的朋友working together, 互相 support真好! 我會繼續練習我的英文! ,也更要加強我的中文和台語! 下次來用台語唸”娘家”的台詞吧!

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